Meet Tina
Hello, my name is Tina Schmidt. With over 9 years experience, I am a successful personal and online health and fitness coach.
While growing up, I was very active in sports. I played volleyball, basketball, soccer, and softball. I also competed as a gymnast. I loved challenging myself through physical activities; so much so that, when my sports competition days were behind me, I naturally gravitated towards the gym where I once again rediscovered my love of physical activity. The gym reawakened my connection to sports and competition. I was instantly hooked!

Early Life
Throughout the years, the gym became an integral part my life. I can honestly say that it was a lifesaver. Case in point: while married, I gave birth to three beautiful children, but with each pregnancy came horrible post-partem depression. My gym workouts were the antidepressant that helped me keep my sanity and regain my happiness. The gym saved my life!
During my early 30s, I summoned the courage to leave an abusive marriage. Once again, the gym provided a safe refuge; one where I could clear my head, feel mentally and physically strong, providing me with the opportunity to become the successful woman and loving, supportive mother that I am today.
Experience & Passion
My life experience has taught me the absolute importance of self-care: you can’t always control your surroundings, but you can control the way you treat yourself. The mind/body connection is deeply powerful.
When I met Kelly (in a gym, of course), we instantly connected over our passion for fitness. As we grew in our relationship, I revealed my story to him. He encouraged me to share my passion and knowledge for all things related to health and fitness, as well as share about my personal life experiences to help others. I jumped at the opportunity!
Business & Competition
As I began my training business, I also dove into the competitive side of the fitness field. At the age of 40, I competed in my first fitness show. I loved the challenge and had a blast! I went on to compete in four regional shows, as well as four national shows. I placed in the top three in every show. Competing and succeeding empowered me to help and support others. I now train fitness competitors as well as lifestyle clients. Their success is my success and I love it!
I truly believe that the biggest blessing emerging from my passion for fitness is the opportunity to positively connect with other women, whether it’s helping a new mom, mentoring a young girl, or supporting a struggling woman feel confident in herself again…I love it all!